Standards for the Greater Good

By mapping bioethics concerns, identifying best practices, and developing metrics, we raise industry standards and performance.

At Bioethics International, we focus on the issues that matter most to patients. We set standards, evaluate and rank pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies on their social responsibility and governance. We also serve as a convener for physicians, patients, academics, regulators, investors, and industry – groups that were once largely inaccessible to each other – to create a learning system. In turn, we help ensure high quality, patient-centric, ethical, and accessible healthcare and drug development, because experience and dialogue are great teachers, and what gets measured, gets done.

What We Do

Map Bioethics and ESG Concerns

about healthcare innovation that pose population health risks

Develop Standards and Metrics

to address ethics problems and trust gaps

Benchmark Performance

of healthcare companies and products using our standards

Rank and Audit Companies

annually, to track progress and catalyze improved behavior over time

Good Pharma Scorecard

Convene Stakeholders

and create knowledge exchange platforms to discuss ethics, social responsibility, and trust concerns, and exchange ideas on how to improve practices

Research and Advise

on ethics and ESG matters in healthcare innovation and delivery

Our Areas of Focus

Clinical Trial
Design and Conduct

Equity and

Transparency and Data Sharing

Marketing Practices

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