Drug & company rankings, Times Square billboard & conference

BEI is returning to its roots and blogging again.  BEI started as a blog in 2005, called Ethics Illustrated.

We’ll kick off our blogging with regular updates on our efforts.  This month, we’ve been:

  1. Finishing the clinical trial transparency rankings of drugs approved by the FDA in 2014 and large drug companies.
  2. We held our bi-annual meeting with the 25 largest drug companies, at Ernst and Young in March of 2017, to discuss the rankings and standards. We hope to submit the new rankings for review by a medical journal this week!
  3. Exploring the suitability of launching a billboard in Times Square to debut the drug and company rankings when they are published in the medical literature.
  4. Organizing an multi-stakeholder conference on ethics, value, trustworthiness and patient centricity in healthcare innovation.
  5. Meeting with Bloomberg (the company, not the man) about co-hosting our annual conference. We are not sure Bloomberg will join us, but several others already have. Jeremy Abbate from Scientific American and members of Ernst & Young will co-organize.  Let us know if you would like to join our planning committee. We are just starting to put it together.

Lots more is going on…  but if you are like me, you only read a few bullets and move on to the next thing when crunched for time…

—Jennifer E. Miller, PhD, Founder, Bioethics International